Blackbaud Newsroom
Blackbaud Releases First-of-its-Kind Employee Engagement Benchmark Tool for Companies

Blackbaud has released an employee engagement benchmark calculator that allows companies to see how their employee volunteering and giving programs align with peers. Leveraging data and insights from the YourCause® from Blackbaud® 10th annual Industry Review, the calculator groups companies by industry and employee count, comparing 66 different possible categories. Data evaluated is a subset of the entire YourCause client and employee population representing more than 350 companies and over 7.6 million employees that engaged in social impact from 118 countries.
“Since 2015, YourCause has provided insights into employee engagement and social responsibility from Fortune 500 companies and millions of employees collected from our portfolio of CSR software,” said Brandon Sharrett, president and general manager, YourCause from Blackbaud. “This tool and the insights provided are a direct result of implementing client feedback. With the help of our customers, we can develop a better solution that enables them to focus on driving social impact.”
The calculator prompts users to choose from six company size groups and 11 standard industrial classfication categories. The results come with a short, curated list of resources to help companies quickly navigate to online guides packed with ideas and client stories.
Investing in CSR and Employee Engagement Matters
Businesses are looking to help drive social impact that creates better lives for the people in their communities. Forbes recently released an article with 15 tips from social impact leaders on building a successful program, with number five focusing on engaging the entire workforce to drive social impact. The benchmark tool from Blackbaud will allow companies to set realistic, strategic goals enabling them to engage their workforce and ultimately drive meaningful social change in their communities. Companies using Blackbaud’s YourCause CSRconnect® platform for employee engagement can use the robust reporting tools to look at participation rates by department, office location or manager level to set smaller goals for individual teams or groups. These smaller goals will add up to an increased participation rate for the whole firm.
“Corporations are constantly looking for insights to boost employee engagement, and nothing empowers them more than strong data insights,” said Nathan Froelich, senior manager of strategy and business development, Corporate Impact, Blackbaud. “Providing our industry data in this easy-to-use benchmarking tool gives corporations a great, and measurable, starting point on their path to increased engagement.”